Friday, November 03, 2006

Continued Studies; 03/11/2006



David A. Archer




General Philosophy


02/16/2006 ~ 07/19/2006


While thinking about the areas I have been writing in regard to, I happened upon a thought last evening as it was - laying there in my bedroll and envisioning the different possible variations of dynamic I could manage before sleep.

The thought in direction admittedly poses risk and dangers in its implemented use, but I might add, no more so than those we experience as a normality, within such a mechanism.

Simply, the idea is based around "extending" the working concepts which we utilize - more so applying them in more divers degrees - which in itself is conducive to the concept itself, being devised just for that capacity among other things. the idea, essentially is to utilize already existing standard of that "power/commerce" union, but again, to extend it in a manner as to be more efficient through out society.

If it were possible to re-arrange the structure of our "Democracy" as suggested previously at that larger level, then perhaps at state and community levels so as to promote the diversities of opinion into use which exist within them as more "individual" opposed to the current "smoosh" of various blurred opinion - it could then be more readily taken into account more clearly through out the "levels" within that established structure.

To base such diversity within that existing "power/commerce" dynamic through a division perhaps pertaining to "tax brackets" for instance. This while preserving the opportunities inherent in the larger mechanism for "lateral" as well as "vertical" progress - socially and as per general motion in exchange.

It seems this as well would make life more efficient for those not seeking "social ascension/recognition" so to speak, through removing the confusion wrought within the "dog pile" which appears to be the "stump" of that mechanism existing within statehoods and communities. To diversify certain standards in such a manner, I feel would prove to be quite efficient as well as stimulating over all to that larger functioning mechanism. Establishing "communities" for concerns within those similar "stations" based on the common (as per area/bracket) understanding and social dynamic. Perhaps even to the degree of entirely separate courts - litigation standards particular to said levels within society in some degree - based of course, within standards set forward in that larger function. Thus diversifying and further organizing that "sovereignty" of the "people" into loose communities from which to more clearly and efficiently exist and communicate.

In another manner of explanation, to extend a similar relationship which exists between "county, state, federal" - onto, further into communities through a guide line such as tax brackets. Each "community" of tax brackets then enjoying the type of relationship and efficiency already existing between state and federal. these "communities" then being represented and divided loosely across the nation, perhaps by state. From there, inter-level issues could then be addressed through then established formal bodies representing the given areas in question as example. This as well presiding within the communities themselves. Simply an extension of the more efficient elements of the larger mechanism from where they were left off in the absent minded ignorance of the consumer mentality and that more "linear" interpretation. Essentially, extending and diversifying laterally - as well linearly - that pre-existing mechanism based in a commerce/power structure, while housing and utilizing the sovereign element of the populous more efficiently.

There are those who would argue a loss of control and/or power in such diversification. I propose that such diversification would present greater opportunity for actual gain in various ways.

It would definitely portray a clearer picture of the motion and direction - on each level - of society. In that, anyone worth their salt should be able to navigate and prosper to which ever level they aspire without peripheral (or fewer) consequences.

A person might see this as similar to "Roman segregation." Perhaps only in the "diversification" attribute, but anyone familiar with "Roman segregation" will see the fault in such comparisons... unless of course it worked particularly well, then as with most else in the consumer element, suddenly there would be comparisons to everything having existed. ~

I do see a great failing and problematic area within the automated interpretation of the larger workings, as being that sort of interpretations which suggests a large globular of social confusion with and within the public institution.

I do see where someone might use such to promote "financial discrimination," but it is that I see such revisions (hypothetically) and organizing as an actual tool against such misuse - as now there are no real established social measures within the public institution to check such abuses, ne representation of or for the various income brackets.

This type of revision would make for a larger pool of available jobs and positions through out society as well. Each further catering to those various levels of understanding and "education," without the confusing elements of and as result of the variety of levels and understanding within the public institution as it stands.

Lofty I do admit, even as a hypothetical exploration in thought, but a person cannot help their thoughts in such degrees.

This sort of concept, as well provides avenues to establish that sense of being a part and having that portion of "sovereignty" through providing the areas in which to "tend to ones own," and in that - helping to maintain said efficiency and dynamic for prosperity with no more effort than tending to your own concerns realistically.

Further to note, such then extends the meaning of posterity beyond the idea of ones own children and lineage - in such a manner as to extend such honors and simple responsibility - sense of worth - to that ease of maintenance in tending to ones own interests pertaining to the current "bracket" in which they exist.

It lends more depth and breadth to the idea of posterity - in including ones own current - co inhabitants within society - given the possibilities of expanded social movement, efficiently. this resulting regardless of your personal aims in "moving up" or "down" a bracket. The simple efficiency of tending to your own through such an extension as per through that larger mechanism, then acts to maintain and augment it, much in the spirit of the initial intent. Even working through its inter workings to lend efficiency of inter-bracket interactions.

Such might even prove to be the "adapter" I have mentioned within these explorative writings. An "adapter/converter" so to speak - socially.

Now that I think about it, the "work" in establishing all of the peripherals to institute such an "extension" could, more would prove to be valuable and profitable in many ways, itself.

The integration of diversity, efficiently.

There would always be a place, and a place for voice for every level of understanding and/or capacity in which to co-exist and exercise that mechanism and our inherent rights - conducive to the level of understanding to which we all have a natural inclination of ourselves, and to which we all gravitate.

This while establishing consistent areas within which to continue to progress WHILE becoming more familiar with that larger mechanism - effortlessly.

If a naive I be, then it is I will not apologize. As I have stated, a person simply must represent themselves in some degree, and I cannot forsake that which my heart and mind lead me to see. Such would be a great insult to much from where I stand, and that of which I am - what'er (as it were) it be beyond my comprehension in the large mysteries. Peaceably. As peaceably as any man can be expected to be. Celebrating my individuality and existence in the wonders and possibilities of our modern day in the small ways that I can. Observing the ongoing culmination of many great minds as it unfolds before us, some repetitions for lack of inspiration. Some disdainful action in desperation. Some mistaken in vast mis-interpretations. Some truly magnificent, though most of those hidden away from those existing of said desperation's.


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